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The Top 20 Best Mistakes Of All Time (in Hollywood films)


1. Star wars

When the storm troopers break into the control room, watch
very carefully and you will be able to see a storm trooper
nearly render himself unconscious by smacking his head off a
door frame.

2. Commando

One of the most blatant mistakes ever committed to film. The
yellow porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until
arnie drives it away, and it' s fine.

3. The rocky horror picture show

The criminologist describes the events of the movie as
taking place "on a late november evening". In the very next
scene, brad and janet are driving in brad's car, and nixon's
resignation speech is playing on the radio. Nixon resigned
in august of 1974.

4. Harry potter and the philosopher's stone

When harry, ron and hermione rush to hagrid after end-of-
the-year exams, and harry is saying something that ends with
"why didn't i see it before", hermione is mouthing his

5. Terminator 3: rise of the machines

One of the most blatant mistakes ever seen onscreen - in the
scene where john and catherine are in the hangar at the
runway, the cessna's tail number is n3035c. When the plane
is shown in the air, the number is n9373f. When they land,
the tail number has changed back to n3035c.

6. Charlie's angels

When the angels are fighting the "creepy thin man," right
before drew barrymore lifts lucy liu to spin her around and
kick the thin man, to get lucy's attention, drew hollers out
"lucy!" even though lucy liu's character's name is "alex."

7. Spider-man

In the scene where mary jane is being mugged by four men,
spider- man throws two of the men into two windows behind
mary jane. Then the camera goes back to spider-man beating
up the other two guys. When the camera goes back to mary
jane the two windows are intact.

8. Gladiator

After the battle with the germans, the next morning after
the tavern, he is walking in the army camp and he feeds a
horse a piece of apple. If you look closely between maximus
and the horse, there is a crewman wearing a pair of blue

9. The matrix

In the scene where agent smith is interrogating neo, after
smith has sealed neo's mouth shut and he is backed into the
corner, when the camera cuts back to smith you can clearly
see a reflection in his glasses of neo still sitting down in
the chair.

10. Harry potter and the chamber of secrets

At the beginning of the scene near the end of the movie with
lucius malfoy fuming at dumbledore in his office, malfoy's
hair is fanned back behind his shoulders. The lighting in
the room illuminates the back of his neck, where you can see
his real, short brown hair.

11. Black hawk down

Near the end of the movie when the convoy is heading back to
the pakistan stadium, a humvee stops briefly to allow a man
to walk across the street with a child in his arms. When the
shot changes and the humvee begins driving again, a crew
member or cameraman is seen inside the humvee wearing a
white shirt. All of the men who entered the humvee were
wearing fatigues.

12. Pearl harbor

When evelyn first enters pearl harbor, there is a tall
building that clearly says, "est. 1953." Obviously this is a
little ahead of the times.

13. Austin powers in goldmember

Austin powers left school in 1959. He would have been 18
then. This means that the family holiday in belgium, when he
was a baby, would have been in 1941. Continental europe
would have been an odd choice for a family holiday that
year, what with world war ii going on and everything. Note:
lots of people seem to think that in england school leaving
age is 16. It can be, but most stay on until 18, especially
at a smart private school like austin's.

14. American pie

In the bedroom scene the girl is holding a clear cup full of
beer. The camera goes off her and when it comes back she is
holding a blue cup. The camera goes back off her, then on
her, and the cup is clear again.

15. The lord of the rings: the two towers

Merry and pippin were bound when taken by the uruk-hai, and
the bonds weren't cut until after they managed to escape
during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on
pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not
bound, even though they weren't cut until later.

16. Titanic

The lake that jack told rose he went ice fishing on when she
was threatening to jump is a man-made lake in wisconsin near
chippewa falls (where jack grew up). The lake was only
filled with water in 1917, five years after titanic sank.

17. Chicago

When roxie is about to fire billy, there is a close-up of
her telling him off, and you can see some loose blonde hairs
falling out of her hairstyle. In the next close-up they are
gone, and in the next one they're back again.

18. X-men 2

In the end, when the president is visited by the x-men, he
receives a blue binder, which is laid in front of him on the
table. When they have left, you see a shot including the
president's desk, and you can see that the only thing he has
on the table are some sheets of paper, stapled in the upper
left corner, opened up. Then the shot changes to a close-up
of the president, and then back again, and you see the blue
binder in front of him, closed, and the papers have

19. Raiders of the lost ark

While indy and marion are in the well of the souls, and they
encounter the snakes, indy falls to the ground only to get
confronted by a cobra rearing its head and hissing. Look
carefully and you'll see the reflection of the snake on the
safety glass between it and indy. Briefly you can also see
the torch's reflection while he's waving it around. (This
has been corrected in the new dvd set. You can only see it
if you have the original vhs. I think it's visible in the
"making of" on the dvd as well.)

20. The lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring

In the scene where sam and frodo are in the field with the
scarecrow, you can plainly see a car cruising past in the
distance, from right to left. Further comment, there are two
different shots which show the car moving from right to
left. One starts at the top right distance, and in a shot a
few seconds later the car has travelled down the road a bit
and is more easily visible. Complicating matters is that the
dust thrown up by the car looks similar to smoke from a
chimney in the right distance, making some people think it
is just the chimney. But chimneys don't move, and the smoke
from the chimney is separate from the moving vehicle. (It is
deleted on the dvd, but you can still see an obvious bit of
image fakery on the hill just left of the smoking chimney.
One can see the hill, tree, and surrounding area move up and
down and shimmer slightly where someone has done a cut and
paste to cover up the auto. The "car inclusive" scene
appears on the national geographic documentary beyond the
movie the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring.
Also, watch the music documentary on the extended dvd when
it shows this scene the car is still in it. Bizarrely, in
his commentary peter jackson said he never saw a car and
doesn't know what people are talking about, but the
production/post-production team say in their commentary that
despite not thinking anyone would be able to see it, they
took it out anyway.)

Received from: JB Zarcal via e-mail

The Top 20 Best Mistakes Of All Time (in Hollywood films)

1) Don't argue with Tech Support! If you knew how to fix your current problem you would not be on the phone with them in the first place.

2) Calling Tech Support is some what of a crap shoot. Some techs know their stuff backwards and forwards. They have every menu memorized and they know pretty much what you are going to say even before you say it. If you run in to one of these skilled techs get his/her name. If you ever have to call that particular tech support again ask for that person by name. He or she will fix your problem in the least amount of time.

Other techs may have just started or may be still learning. They have access to very knowledgeable people. It may take them longer to fix your problem, but there is a good chance they will. They might have to go ask someone else what to do, but more than likely they will eventually fix your problem.

Ok, some of the techs are clueless. The demand for skilled techs is high, but the supply is low. There will be some people in tech support who will find their calling in another profession. If you are reasonably sure the person you are talking to is not skilled enough to help you, ask nicely to speak to the lead tech or supervisor. If the lead tech or supervisor is not available ask if you can leave your name and number and have someone get back to you. Don't expect an immediate call back. It may be a day or two depending on how busy the tech support department is. Usually the person assigned to do the call backs will be one of the better techs.

3) When you call tech support,.
no matter how pissed off you are, remember the tech support person did not cause your problem, but they may very well be the person who fixes your problem. Being a smart ass will only decrease their desire to help you. The tech support person on the phone has absolute power over your call. If you piss them off too much they can hang up on you in the blink of an eye, and send you back to the cue for another long wait just so you can complain about being hung up on.

4) Learn how to use your computer. The "Dummies" series of books (Windows 95 for Dummies, etc) are easy to read and understand. I learned how to use Windows 95 myself by reading "Windows 95 for Dummies" before moving on to more advanced topics. If you are not willing to learn at least a little you are wasting your time and money on a computer.

5) Call Tech Support during non-prime time hours. The calls coming in to Tech Support are at their highest volumes during weekday evening hours and business hours. The usual slump in the volume of calls occurs in the morning (9:00 am - 10:00 a.m.), right at lunch (12:00 p.m.), and around supper time (5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m). Mid afternoon on Sunday can also be a slow time. When choosing a time to call keep in mind that the tech support you are calling may not be in the same state and time zone you are. Even local tech support numbers are not always "local". The phone company may be forwarding your call to another distant location even though you dialed a local number.

6) Don't buy the cheapest product you can find especially when buying a modem for your computer. Cheap modems almost always are cheap because they are junk. There IS a difference in quality and performance. A big difference. I once walked in to a computer store and saw a customer about to make a mistake. He picked up a blank white box that said "33.6 modem" and put it on the counter. I explained who I was and told him of the many calls we get at Internet Tech Support from customers who bought cheap modems that are now repeatedly hanging up on them. The sales person countered; "Actually that modem is made by Diamond Multimedia - The same company that makes the Supra Express." I replied; "It might be, but if they were proud of it they would have put their name on the box."

7) Calling computer tech support when you are not in front of your computer is pretty much useless. If you do not have a telephone near your computer move one there at least long enough to talk to computer tech support. If you have a modem then you can plug the phone line usually plugged in to your modem in to a phone. If you have a second phone line don't call tech support on the same phone line your modem uses if your problem relates to the modem or the Internet.

8) If you need your glasses to see your computer go get them before you call tech support.
9) If you have a hearing aid use it while on the phone with tech support.
10) Don't call in to tech support when you're drunk!
11) Call the right tech support number. It will do you little good to call your Internet service provider because you can't get your fax machine to work.

12) If you are so computer illiterate that you just can't seem to successfully communicate with tech support get some one to come over who is more knowledgeable about computers. Let that person call tech support for you. I remember one very nice, but very computer illiterate elderly couple that called in for several days and just couldn't seem to get their problem fixed. A week later their granddaughter called in for them. She and I fixed her grandparents computer in less than fifteen minutes.

13) Persistence pays off. One elderly man called in to tech support repeatedly for weeks. He was so computer illiterate when I first talked to him that I dreaded hearing his voice again. He had many computer problems that needed to be over come before he could get on the Internet, and he didn't have a clue what he was doing. I recommended (nicely) that he buy and read "Windows 95 for Dummies" and "Internet for Dummies". He did. One by one we over came his computer problems. Each time he called tech support he was a little more skilled and knowledgeable than the time before. After about fifteen calls to tech support over the period of several weeks we finally had all of his problems fixed. He had come a long way too.

The last time I called him to see if he was having any more problems. Then I asked to speak to his wife. I told her how her husband first called tech support and about drove me crazy. I also told her how far he had come since that first call. I told her how much I admired him for teaching himself, and for sticking in there despite problem after problem. I would have thrown my computer out the window and said the hell with it if I had been faced with the problems he over came.

Of all the calls I have ever taken I still remember him over two years later as the one person I admire the most for not being a quitter. When ever I am ready to blow my top or quit because things are not going my way, I remember him. His persistence and patience is now giving me the strength I need to keep my cool and try again. In the end he taught me an important lesson I will carry with me for life.

14) Read the manual!

Received from: Graxioza via e-mail

Tips On Dealing With Tech Support



Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver"

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the Impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."

She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?" He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it."

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you. Pass this on right now. This very moment, someone needs to know that God is watching over them. And, whatever they're going through, they'll be a better person in the end.

Remain Blessed.

Received from an e-mail (Sender... I forgot)


Debt, Lies and EVAT


LIE: Revenues from EVAT will be used to fund social services and public infrastructure.

TRUTH: Proceeds from EVAT will be wasted on servicing of debt including illegitimate and onerous ones such as the Bataan nuke plant and IPP contracts. Debt payments gobble up 70 centavos of every peso of the proposed budget this year and a staggering 80 cents of every peso of tax collected last year. Of what little remains, massive corruption will take a large piece and crumbs are all that will be left for government services.

LIE: The EVAT is not anti-poor.

TRUTH: Government propaganda highlights that families spending not more than P60,000 per year will only pay 0.2% of that on taxes like EVAT. But who are these? These are the hungry poor that spend a mere P28 per day. They will hardly pay for EVAT but only because they hardly spend or eat at all! Instead the average working class family will spend an additional P428 per month due to EVAT on electricity, LPG and food. This is more than a day's wage lost by workers to EVAT.

LIE: The EVAT is progressive because it is a consumption tax and therefore the rich who consume more VATable goods and services will pay more.

TRUTH: Consumption tax is regressive by nature. The poor may consume less in nominal terms compared to the rich, but a higher percentage of their lesser income is spent on consumption. Thus EVAT in fact imposes a heavier on the poor than the rich. It is a Robin Hood in reverse, taking from the poor and giving to the rich bankers and debtors. Regressive taxes like VAT are raised to make up for the billions in revenues lost due to rapid reduction of tariffs and generous tax holidays for investors. Thru EVAT, poor Filipinos are in fact subsidizing not just the rich but also the giant multinational companies!

Received from: Erwin Cuenca

Debt, Lies and EVAT

Just a thought...


Just a thought: Are you aware that if we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think? And we often treat strangers and coworkers better than members of our family.

Received from: Kyko Castaneda (no relation to Manny)

Just a thought...

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  • I'm xzykho
  • From Philippines
  • Comes from the Republic of the Philippines "the pearl of the orient", proudly waving a flag with 3 stars and a sun. I came into this world on the year of the Wooden Tiger, under the sign of The Fish, two full moons before the Season of Flowers. I have walked the Earth and sailed on her Oceans. I'm a web/graphic designer by profession, a blogger by choice and a chronicler of sorts.

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